As soon as Texas weather warmed up, I began to pack parka, mukluks, ski cap and gloves. Yes, all will be necessary before I return this fall. Will leave tomorrow in shorts, at-shirt and sandals. It's 97 here and a low of 50 in Delta Junction.
Sassie, my navigator , is ready to hit the road.
Along with groceries, I've packed Sassie's and Frizbee's food, and litter box. Also donations of jelly jars for the famous fireweed jelly we made last summer.
Along with groceries, I've packed Sassie's and Frizbee's food, and litter box. Also donations of jelly jars for the famous fireweed jelly we made last summer.
The propane system had a small leak that's been repaired. (Repairman said it could have blown up). Generator is working fine. Engine battery needed a jump but is now cooperating. Refrigerator has chilled.
Maps are marked in pink, with relatives driveways highlighted in yellow. National and State Parks are circled. My bucket list is updated. TomTom is primed. Big Jim loaned me a device that will indicate wifi signals in route. "Thanks".
Along with writing supplies: computer, printer, digital recorder and camera, I have notebooks for organizing notes for articals and a sequel to "A Venture in Faith."
Frizbee checks over the computer and writing materials.
We are ready to Hit the Road with Guts and Gusto.
Follow along for a summer of road trip fun.