Saturday, November 20, 2010

Anthology has Arrived

Fall 2008, inspired by stories we shared after Hurricane Ike several of the writers with the Golden Triangle Writers Guild discussed putting together an anthology of storm stories. Nudged, prodded and encouraged by Debra Johnson we began to submit stories to her for consideration in this venture.

Fifteen of us had our stories sellected for publication.

It's in the Gulf is a collection of fiction and true-stories, heartwarming and frightening, from beginning authors to experienced.

Thank you Debra for years of dedicated work compiling and editing, and to the Guild for publication.

Look for the book in you favorite book store or order from Amazon.

Inspired by last week's conference, I've spent most of the past week on my computer working on a new novel.

Here is another book, not yet written:

Under the Bleachers by Seymore Butts

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Bayou Writers Conference

Even without contacs, last Saturday's writer's conference was an eye opener.

I sat with two writer friends, Peggy and Sylvia from Golden Triangle Writers Guild. We discussed the hurricane antholgy, It's in the Gulf, that was finally printed. Several authors contrubuted to the book right after Hurricane Ike in the fall of '08. Thank you Debra for your long frustrating task in getting this edited and put together.

My friend, author Curt Iles, was on the panel for discussion of self-publishing. He has seven books out and is now an independent publisher. His books set in Southwest La. are selling like mudbugs.

I had a one-on-one conference with Gary Goldstein editor with Kensington Press. He liked my proposal for "Soul Sisters", a manuscript I've been working on for some time. He encouraged me to send it to him. That's done!!!

Several other speakers talked about the children's book market, contemporary inspriational writing and ofcourse different aspects of publishing.

An added benefit of the conference was that I was able to showcase my books and sold a few.

The well organized and informational conferencedrive was well worth the drive to Lake Charles All writers and writer wanna-bees should attend a local conference.

. Have you heard of this book yet to be written?
"Annoying Kids" by Ira Tate
or this one:
"It's Not My Fault" by Indy Nile

Have fun and keep on writing.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Prayer Requests

I've been home for a couple of hectic weeks now. Busy with the house and getting things in order.

I have several prayer requests.
I have worn contac lens since 1958 and am now in the prep stage for cataract ssurgery. I'm out of the contacs and wearing extremely thick tri-focal glasses. Writing, the computer and reading are difficult, therefore my blog will be short. Please pray for me and that the surgery will go well. I'm very defensive of anything close to my eyes and the idea of "seeing" what's happening frightens me.

Please pray for my daughter Cora. She is pregnant and having a very rough time. Nothing stays down. she spent a week in the hospital and is now on bed rest. She is due in May.

Also my daughter-in-law, Maggie, is also pregnant. The baby is extremely large (Daddy Chris is 6'7") and she is having early contractions. She is due in Dec.

Grandson, Devin, is now stationed at the Air Force base in San Angelo for tech school.

I plan to catch up on writing about writing as soon as I can SEE.