Sunday, November 3, 2013

"D" Dangers of Dabbling

One of the dangers of Dabbling is not being able to keep up with the schedule you set for yourself. I'm guilty. Last Saturday I was in Dallas at a Texas Baptist Men's Open House that included Disaster Relief information. I returned late and the following week I couldn't squeeze in Blog time.
 Yesterday, I joined three other authors with Bayou Writers from Lake Charles, LA at the Louisiana Book Festal to sign and sell our books. To reach Baton Rouge, LA. I had to get up at 4:00 AM and hit the road. What we don't do for our passions.

 We met many authors and visited booksellers form LA and beyond. One of the authors is also a professor at an LA college. She assigned her students a field trip to the fair and instructed them to visit her at our booth and sign up as proof that they were there.  What an excellent way to get young people to experience culture.
Crafters were displaying their wares with gusto and such a variety that I spent much time away from our booth to explore and look for ideas. Oh, no, I'm in danger of trying something new!

I wasn't tempted to adopt a dog, but the young man seems quite taken with this lovable black and white fellow. Notice the dog's "Adopt Me" vest. There were also kittens looking for forever homes. I see story ideas.......

Now, what's this? A camel in front of the state capitol? What a story could be developed here.
Challenge: Why don't you dare to dabble by visiting a large farmer's market, trade days, or common market to look for story ideas or to investigate what crafts are trend setters or fads.

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