Tuesday, February 4, 2014

"G" Gardening?

I'm still working through the alphabet for topics for writers. "G" gardening has been on my mind even though it's a little early in the season to have spring planting fever.
My last blog discussed fact vs fiction. Here's proof that it's a fact that we had an ice storm in Southeast Texas. See how it affected my veggie garden.
The icicles dripping from the leaves of this bush caused me to laugh at their attempt to survive. With the icicle tails, the leaves look like polliwogs.

A head of cauliflower is surrounded by a collar of ice while sprinkles of sleet coat the leaves. I should have covered them up.

A broccoli head shimmers with ice crystals. The leaves sparkle with sleet.
So how does my garden grow? Not to well. However, I harvested the cauliflower and broccoli, cooked and ate some and froze the rest. After all, it was already frozen!
My advice to gardeners is to spend the rest of unpredictable winter weather in planning. Plan what you want to grow, whether decorative plants and flowers or edibles. Use this time to peruse gardening books for new varieties, how-to build container gardens or square-foot gardens, improve your compost, and dream for spring.
Writers, instead of fighting cabin fever, nature has provided down time for you  to get out some of those old manuscript ideas and work on them.
There is a prediction for more freezing weather and rain, so I'm using this time in writing and indulging in another craft. I'm working of a quilt made from sweatshirts I  collected in Alaska.
What are you doing indoors when you can't go out?

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