Sunday, August 21, 2011

After the Storm

How many of you readers experienced the aftermath of a hurricane? A tornado? Have you ever tried to live without electricity: lights, TV, wifi, phones, computers? Does drinking water come out of your tap?You've probably never consideredbasic survival. Sactuary, will make you think.

Opps. I don't have a photo of the cover.

Those of us who have experienced the horrors of devistating hurricanes can relate to Claire in Sanctuary by Colleen Wait. Claire leaves a bomb shelter or storm celler to discover a decimated world devoid of humans, animals, and plants. Mountains of debris are all that remain of cities., no elctricity, running water, shelter, food or clothing, so similar to the aftermath of a hurricane or tornado. The wicked world has been distroyed; for what purpose does Claire remain?
Sanctuary is a story of survival, of learning to care for basic needs and the determination to make a new civilization under God that doesn't repeat the political and immoral past.

As I prepare and train through Diaster Relief for the eventual hurricane or other diasters, I found Sanctuary challenged my thinking.

Colleen's books may be found at:

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